Saturday, October 12, 2013


This Thanksgiving we have quite a bit to be thankful for.  Mylee did a thankful picture at school and she included: her family as number one, her school as number two, the sun as number 3, Canada as number 4 and home as number 5. I find it quite funny that at 5 years old she can take an assortment of ideas and put it on paper but the meaning is so much more involved.

Sure she is greatful for her family, each and every one of us and you contribute to making her the person she is;  she is absolutely in love with school and I hope this never changes; the sun, well she will have to explain this one in detail one day; Canada, yes this may seem like a strange choice but she goes to school with children who have immigrated and have seen war and poverty and all the things that we hope children never experience; and home, well that is pretty self explanatory because it sits so well with family. 

Kiya didn't do a project this year, I guess in grade 5 they just seem to forget that you have to take inventory of yourself sometimes and count your blessings.  When I do track her down and get her answers I will let you know. 

And I am another story.  There are so many things I am greatful for in this world that numbering them, well the list would go on forever.  Everyday I thank whomever my higher power is for my husband and two amazing children, I thank him for having just enough to make me happy and healthy, and I ask that my friends and family have just enough for them to remain happy and healthy.  But the one thing I am always greatful for, even though sometimes I have my low days, I am always greatful that I can see the silver lining.  I always try to find the best in every situation, try to put a smile on someone's face who needs it or have them giggle just once at stupidity so that their low day could get a little brighter.  Lately I have had some pretty high days, did have one low one, but because of good people in my life who made me see the bright side I cheered up. 

So I hope as you sit around your turkey dinner with whomever you are celebrating with this year, that you whisper on the air, or mumble into your mashed potatoes just what or who you are thankful for.  Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! And have a big pile of potatoes for me!!