Sunday, February 9, 2014

Scientist in School

Yep it is that time of year again where the scientists come out of the wood work.  This year we were studying different types of science in kindergarten and I spent Thursday afternoon in Mylee's class.  I was helping with the paleontologist center and all I could think of is Ross from Friends.

We dug in sand, made our own fossils, looked at different types of fossils and did some crayon rubbings.  I always have a great time with the kids when they learn new things and love that little twinkle in their eye when they discover something new.  Mylee sure has some smarty pants in her class!!

Here is Mylee's fossil:

And then the following day I received a very sweet thank you note.  Mylee's teacher always makes it a point to thank her parent volunteers, but this time it was something incredibly special, because this time it wasn't just her saying thank you!!!

To watch some of the kids struggle with writing their names and then to have them all included on this card made my heart leap and cheer for each of them. 

Menchies Day

On Thursday we took a trip down to go see our friend Doris (the owner of our local Menchies).  It was free Menchies day and well we had a craving.  There is something about going down to Menchies that is always a great time for us.

With the winter being so cold we don't get to go down as often as we would like but we are very much looking forward to the warmer weather when we can walk down and back and burn off the calories!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

And After the Snow

Did anyone else feel like they were shoveling their way out of the North Pole yesterday?

Well with it snowing all day, we have 6 foot snowbanks on our lawn, very greatful I don't live in East York at the moment because I am not sure where you guys put it.  It wasn't so cold outside so after school as I am shovelling the last of the snow, I let the girls climb up the snowbanks.  Sure I had to shovel it all again but the smiles on their faces made it totally worth it. 

And guess what I bought for the first time in 10 years in the middle of February.  Winter boots...yep...had to.  I am thinking a trip up to Milliken Park with the girls and the toboggans might just been in the cards.  Maybe we will go on the weekend before the next major snowstorm. 

Toronto Marlies Game

Yesterday, during our crazy snowstorm from hell, Kiya's school (or most of the junior and intermediate classes) loaded up on the school bus and headed down to the Ricoh Centre to watch the Toronto Marlies play the San Antonio Rampage.  My heart was in my throat as I was incredibly nervous with the bus driving in the weather but they made it down on time.

When asked who won, Kiya replied "They both did" and having to decipher this in my own head, I realized that she meant that they were tied.  I wish I could have went on this one, I would have loved the energy in the building, and really how many kids can go and sit in a Leaf game anymore.  So we might as well cheer on our "Baby Leafs".  Its a better game anyway!

Want to thank Mike for providing me with the pictures of yesterday's fun! Seeing Kiya so excited really warmed my heart on such a dreary winter's day!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Exciting News for Kiya

It has been a very nerve wrecking 2 weeks as Kiya has been preparing for her auditions for the school musical.  The school will be putting on the production of Aladdin, and Kiya was reading for the role of Jasmine.  She practised her lines and got really good with the attitude of a princess as well as that of a cheeky flirt, she rehearsed her song and (though I might be biased) she has an amazing voice. 

Her first audition was awesome.  She read the lines with fluctuations in her voice and the cheekiness she needed to portray, she also surprised quite a few teachers with how well she sings, her choice song was Demi Levato's "Let It Go".  Some of the teachers involved have taught Kiya and have now seen her blossom into a confident young lady.

On Thursday the 23rd, Kiya was called down to the gym for a callback.  Yep she made it through to second round, this time she had to learn the song "A Whole New World", as well as more lines.  Well she came out smiling, I didn't get to see this one though (the others were recorded), but I can tell you that there was some very stiff competition.  Friday we found out that results would be posted on Monday afternoon.  Let the nail biting begin.

Well I am very happy to report that she secured a main role in the musical.  It wasn't the Jasmine role she wanted but she has a speaking role (actually she is one of the first to speak in the whole thing) and she will have a singing requirement.  We are so proud of her and can't wait to attend in May.

Way To Go Kiya!!!!!

Mylee Spider

So we have discovered a new little bug that lives in our house but only comes out once and a while.  We call her Mylee Spider because she likes to crawl across the ceiling and giggle at us.

Don't think this is one bug that we want to squish. 

Pretty Snow

Was walking Mylee to school today and happened to look out across the field, not only was it a pretty blanket of white but the sun shining on the evergreens looked majestic.  I waited until after school to snap this picture, and before I did, I stood there for a good moment and admired its beauty. 

Sure it is still a little cold, and we are so tired of snow, but looking at the trees covered in their blankets of white you can truly appreciate just how gorgeous nature can be.  Makes me miss my walks through High Park, which is another place truly magical this time of year.  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chinese New Year

This week Mylee's class has been preparing for Chinese New Year.  They have made lanterns, Dragons, a page of fireworks and lots more exciting activities.  On Friday they were encouraged to wear red and gold or their Chinese clothing.  Thanks to our friends Galen and Selena, Mylee has some Chinese dresses that she was able to show her friends.  The parade at the school was a complete success and all the kids and staff members looked fabulous.  After school on Friday Mylee showed me one of her projects and I was amazed.  She tells me it says "Gung Hei Fat Choi"

So to all our friends who celebrate at this time we would like to wish you a very Happy New Year with love and prosperity always!

Our Anniversary

This year Darryl and I celebrated 12 years of marriage, for some reason it doesn't seem that long.  Unfortunately he had to work that day, I had the day off due to a P.A day at school, and I stayed in my jammies all day with the girls.  At around 2pm the doorbell rings and there is a man standing there with flowers.  It was so sweet, Darryl has never had flowers delivered and it was a very special surprise.  The following day we went for dinner and drinks, it was a great way to celebrate and relive what we have been missing with all the craziness of life.  I love you Darryl and always will!!

Wishful thinking?

The girls went into their rooms this afternoon for some personal space and both decided to do some art. 

Think they are tired of winter yet?  I know I am

Mylee's 6th Birthday Party

Well my baby is getting older and wiser.  Wish she wouldn't grow up so fast but I love celebrating her birthdays.  This year she wanted a princess theme, complete with a visit from a special guest. 

 Just before the party started!

 Make up and Pixie dust...what could be better

The whole gang

A special visit from a princess, just what my little princess needed!
Mylee would like to thank all of you for coming to her birthday and for her special gifts that everyone brought. She had an amazing day!!

Fun on the Hill

A day out in one of the not so cold days in January brought some giggles while mommy played with her new camera!