Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reading Night

What an interesting adventure! 

Kiya is a great reader and can polish off a chapter book in a couple of days.  Her favourite right now is Geronimo Stilton.  Geronimo is a mouse and a modern day adventurer, he goes on quests and visits far away lands.  He also has a sister named Thea and she is girl side of the series.  The text is quite interesting to read, as I have read through a couple as well to see what she talks about.  It is attention grabbing as the words are colourful, there are exerpts on the page about something interesting and there are also some full page colour pictures to show what the author is describing.  The librarian at the school turned Kiya on to them and we have purchased a couple for her, she seems to enjoy the Geronimo series better than the Thea series but in my thoughts, hey she is reading so who cares. Kiya is also assigned 30 minutes of reading a night, and she spends those as the last moments of her day before bed.  It is a great wind down tool except I have no found she is asking for 5 or even 10 more reading minutes.  How do I say no to those? 

Mylee is reading as well, which at 5 makes me clap my hands, dance a jig and hoot and holler.  Last night I started to read a book and she took over.  Now there were some difficult words in the book so I read those but she was reading like a champ.  I can't believe how fast she has picked stuff up.  Mylee loves school and is working more with the senior kindergarten level assignments than the junior, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised, but she sits there and finger points and it warms my heart. Her bookshelf is full of level one readers and each day we try something new.  Who knows maybe she will be another big reader in the family.

Darryl and I love to read and find that we spend a lot of our time doing this.  Normally to wind down from a crazy day or just for some quiet time. When I read, I get lost in a book, I find myself relating to one of the characters and follow through their lives like I am standing right beside them. I also can't put a book down, if it is an interesting or gripping series I normally have the book finished in a few days.  And there are some series that reading until 4am happened quite often. 

I am constantly reminded that reading builds so much in a child and I have to agree, though I don't think it is only children.  Some people need to get lost in their imagination again and have some fun and a book is a perfect outlet for this. So happy reading!!!

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