Monday, May 6, 2013


Saturday is normally a fun day for us around the house.  We play outside, go for a walk to the mall or go up to the park with our bikes.  This Saturday, however, was a crazy busy Saturday.  Scarborough Town Centre was celebrating their 40th birthday and we decided to go down and see what was going on. 

It was a gorgeous day and so much fun.  Between the confetti poppers scaring Mylee, learning to do the updated hustle, and meeting some of the Argo Cheerleaders I would say the girls had a great time.  We also ran into some family and friends so it was quite an exciting morning. 

After lining up for a few minutes to get our picture taken with the Grey Cup (tee hee)

I decided to take a look at the Argo's table.  There was an incredible deal going on and I thought hmmm who would go with me.  So guess what my Mother's day present is!!!! Yep tickets to open the season with Argos and t-shirts for the whole family.  I was so excited when the guy said don't take the t-shirts now, I will have some in proper sizes for the kids at the gate on game day.  Let me take down your information and I will give you a call. So exciting.
 After some incredible partying with the STC, we hopped on the Go bus and headed out to Ajax to Grandma's house and a pain in the butt waiting to happen.  My plan was to go and get the playset set up.  Well in 5 hours I got most of the frame done, little did I know that there were 80000000 pieces to it. But I figured it was started so that was something. 
Then it was off to Caden's 7th birthday party! And what a great party it was.  The place where it was held is quite an interesting LOUD place, but it is meant for kids so it was perfect.  A castle of fun, swinging trees, a ball popper and so much more to play with.  We had so much fun and were so tuckered out but it didn't stop there.
Then it was off to the bar to watch the Leaf game and get Daddy some dinner.  What a great game! And to top it all off a gentleman named Jordan came over and did some magic tricks for the girls.  It was quite a Saturday!!! 

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