Thursday, March 27, 2014

Kiya's Triumph!

It all started as a challenge to a race.  A Puzzle Race to be exact.  Kiya ended up winning 2 prizes at Molly's birthday party and they both turned out to be tile puzzles. 

Tile puzzle?  yep had me confused too.  Well it turns out a tile puzzle is a square piece of cardboard with the image printed on it.  There are no grooves or indents to secure the puzzle or any distinguishing factors to tell you where the puzzle fits.  It is 25 little squares that create the image.

So after the racers dumped the puzzles out, they both realized their challenge.  Kiya was hell bent on trying to do the puzzle herself so wouldn't accept help.  And she got pretty far too.   So as Kiya chugged along on her puzzle Auntie Edna started to help her challenger.  It took them about 25 minutes to get through the puzzles and with a little bit of help from Auntie Edna and Uncle Brian the puzzles got finished. 

Kiya came out on top and was so proud of herself that she beat an adult.  Her opponent was an awesome sport and gave Kiya all the kudos! It was definitely a win well earned, she did complete most of the puzzle herself.  I just love her face in this picture because I can still hear the "YES" coming out of her mouth!

Molly's Birthday!!!!

We got to celebrate with a wonderful girl this weekend.  A pink party with a pink cake and pink all around.  Even my girls got in the spirit and wore pink. 

We had fun playing Guess the Gumballs, Pictionary, Solve the riddles and had some fun with Molly's new karoke machine. Who knew turning 8 could be so much fun.

Was a great day and the girls had so much fun!

Illness is Icky.

Well seems Mother Nature has decided to go on her tyrannical way again and turn those cold temps back up. 

I have been battling a cough for 3 weeks now and it seems to not want to go away.  Thank goodness for Nyquil as I seem to finally be on the mend, only to discover that the trees are now in bloom and my allergies have picked up. 

And so it continues....the battle of the cough resumes.

Monday, March 17, 2014


I am happy to report that this March Break has been an incredible success.  Even though were were stuck indoors for a lot of it, the girls had fun. 

The worksheets I printed off for them were a success.  Mylee flew through hers, which makes me proud.  Even the word problems, which I believe Kiya helped with too.  Kiya's were a little harder and more geared to her study program in school right now.  However I am so happy to report that Kiya is now multiplying like us older people!!!! And this is a good thing for her mommy because I couldn't quite get the way she did it before.  She also admitted that my way was faster and more efficient so she could line up her work and it can be neater.  Hallelujah, mommy taught her something in math!!!

Though the worksheets were meant for practise and nothing more, I was able to better explain things to the girls.  How I read, a secret to word families, decimals, and my favourite WORD PROBLEMS.  Yes the bane of my existence, but Mylee understood it, which will help next year when the real work begins.

After the week was up, I asked both girls what they thought of the worksheets, their replies were quite interesting.  Kiya responded with, they were actually quite fun and a good idea.  Mylee thought they were awesome and wants some more.  So I think I have my work cut out for me this summer. 

I can tell you though, my goal of not having them sit in front of the tv the entire March Break was accomplished,  I don't think they watched more than 2 hours of tv the entire week.  Movies on the other hand are another story, but Disney movies at least have a lesson.  If you can give me the lesson learned in any of the new tv shows geared for kids, then more power to you because all I hear and see is stupidity.

Camini's Birthday

A wonderful cousin turned 50 this past week and we helped her celebrate on Saturday.  What was meant to be a surprise, really did surprise us all.  The birthday girl was meant to enter through the front door where a bag of confetti was waiting to shower her with sparkles, instead she had us all fooled and came in through the Garage door. Was quite a laugh and with speeches and friends and family the day was quite wonderful. 

Her eyes always have that twinkle of "you have no idea how smart I am and how mischievous I can be"

Happy Birthday Camini!!! With many warm wishes and lots of love from all of us!

Cold and Icky and Cold

With all the weather changes that have been going on, and it being so cold outside, the girls and I have been stuck in the house.  Fortunately I was prepared for this and had some crafts and such for the girls to do.  Yes our craft cupboard might look cluttered and disorganized but we know where everything we want it. 

Kiya decided to finally use her fabric and create something.  3 metres of fabric, one in blue, one in mauve and one in orange were her choices that day.  With a willing model in her sister she went to work and she created this:

Can you guess where the inspiration came from? 

Kiya has been interested in design for a while, and I think it might be her calling.  Will be interesting to look back when she is older to where she started.

Told ya!

Remember how I said take the Rainbow Loom away from me; well no one listened and I made this one. 

In case you are wondering, it is a dragon and thanks to the people on Youtube, it is so easy to make.  I think I prefer the animals and charms to the bracelets.  My mom and grandmother always told me not to wear elastics around my wrist because it cuts off your circulation and I guess that stuck with me.  But these are fun.  Try it out, and don't get frustrated, I mean it is only an elastic band.

A Belated Celebration

Illness and craziness and all the regular things that happen in life always seem to happen around Darryl's birthday.  We didn't really get a chance to celebrate it so after spending a day at Mom's, Poppie wanted to make sure that Darryl felt loved and celebrated. 

Poppie cooked him Ribs and this amazing chicken parmesan that melted in your mouth and then when all was said and done, he surprised him with a cake and the happy birthday song.  Not only was Darryl surprised but I think it put a little bit of happiness into his day.

Oh and if you are wondering about the candles, they are actually Darryl's age, you just have to figure out the equation.


Well I can cross another thing off my bucket list.  Something so simple, yet was quite afraid to try it.  Yep I had my first martini ever. 
The waitress asked me how I wanted it and I drew a complete blank.  She brought me one that she likes and I can tell you, while they are not my favourite drink, if I had a jar of olives I think I could drink them regularly.  Wow that sounds kind of bad, tee hee, I mean on the rare occasions I get to go out with hubby and relax.

Birthday Shopping

March Break began with a trip to Markville and a chance to spend some gift cards that have been sitting in my wallet for a while. 

Thank you to Nanny, Auntie Wanda, and Auntie Stephanie for some new spring clothes.  These were Mylee's choices and she wouldn't let that Denim jean vest go.  Oh and she got some new panties as well but she didn't want me to photograph those. 

Both girls also had Toys R Us gift cards and decided to buy some Nerf Rebelle gear.  Guess who became target practise when daddy got home.  And then he nailed me right in the head.  But the girls got him back for me, his duck and cover needs some work.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Break Preparation

Well it is upon us again in a couple days.  That week of children saying "I'm bored" and parents saying don't you have school work to do.  Well I figure this year my children will not be sitting in front of the tv from dusk till dawn, instead they will be doing something creative and educational.  Which is why I designated my morning to work sheets.  Each child has a workbook for each day and it must be completed before any other activities happen.

Kiya has a 10 page booklet including some reading comprehension and math sheets as well as a writing component that her teacher suggested.  At the end of the week she is to have read a book of her choosing, however much be more than 100 pages long.  I know she isn't going to appreciate me but in the long run she will be better for it. '

Mylee has a 6 page booklet, which includes math and language as well as a writing component as well.  She will also have a reading log, and quite possibly another writing assignment based off that reading log.  Mylee is still in kindergarten but loves worksheets, she loves the sense of completion and I can appreciate that. 

And well sleeping in isn't much of an option with hubby still having to work, so I figure I can do one of three things each day while the girls do their "school work".  I really can't believe it is March already.

Hoping to get out and about as well, if the weather cooperates.  Getting really tired of the snow, could care less about the cold...but the snow sure does put a damper on things.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oscars Night

The Oscars is the only night of the year where I will actually sit and watch tv for an period of more than 10 minutes.  I watch right from red carpet to closing credits.  I have watched many and it has become a tradition that our family and the Farrance Family sit and play "who got the most right".  Each year there is a different winner because each of us choose differently.  When Lord of the Rings came out...well Darryl swept the Oscars.  Paul has won on multiple occasions and I have come up with a few wins myself.  We have been doing this for close to 16 years.

Sue and I comment on the dresses and what we like, what is flattering and sometimes that OMG moment of that is just wrong.  Last night I was not a fan of Kate Blanchett's dress, it was too busy for my taste, and Sandra Bullock's dress was stunning but I didn't like it on her.  I loved Amy Adams' dress, and how Meryl Streep was dressed.  There are some women who just know style and can pull off an incredible look.  I always love seeing the guys dressed up, and my favourite last night had to be Will Smith. Will always looks well put together and him and Jada light up the carpet (I wanted her dress last night in a different colour for me).

The Oscars ran long last night, yet again, but it was well worth it to make it to the end.  My favourite acceptance speech was Matthew McConaughey's.  For a man I always see as a pot smoking adult in Dazed and Confused, he spoke so eloquently about the 3 things that keep him going.  And he is absolutely right.  You always need something to reflect on in your past, something to look at in the present and something to look forward to in the future.  It was an incredible speech and I hope one people remember for a long time.  I have always said that people need faith, doesn't matter what you believe in, only that you believe in something, and his speech was inspirational.

Well this year Paul and I tied with of score of 8 each.  Darryl came up right behind us with 7 and well sorry Sue but she was last this year.  The only part of the Oscars that I never like is the In Memoriam, this year way too many gloriously talented people passed and it makes me sad.  Although not sure about you but I missed Uncle Phil on the list....not sure of Oscar rules and if it was just people in film but I still think he should have been on there.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Okay for the record, being sick sucks.

This past week I have been deathbed ill.  Fever, aches, cough, I had it all. I am very greatful to my hubby who took over and took care of the girls.  I don't think I was on my feet more than 4 hours in the 4 day stretch.  I even had them call someone in for me at work.

Glad to say I am better, still have the stupid cough but hey who doesn't.  I am just praying that Mother Nature decides to take some pity on us and bring spring a little earlier. 

Well here's to thinking happy thoughts anyway.

Rainbow Loom Charms

Sometimes you just see the cutest things and you need to recreate them for yourself. Well that is what happened when I got my hands on one of the girls' Rainbow Looms. 

I have to admit the penguin is my favourite, and that I made it for Mylee.  The duck still resides in my purse as I am waiting for an appropriate way to add it to my set of keychains.  

Happy Birthday Darryl!!!!

Every year is another birthday and this time we get to celebrate the boss!!!!

Happy Birthday Baby!!!!

Valentine's Day

Each year we try to come up with inventive, creative valentines.  The store bought ones are generic and are great for tight situations but I like when expression is put into their projects.  This year each child had some great ideas for their valentines


Mylee chose to make her friends picture hearts.  29 children in the class and 2 teachers, that makes for a lot of pictures.  I cut out hearts using my scrapbooking toys.  We used quite a few different mediums to get it perfectly right because they included a lollypop. 

So we found photo paper worked the best. Did you know that markers dry incredibly fast on photo paper?  All markers dry super fast on photo paper. 

So after cutting 2 slits in each heart and attaching her lollypop to them, each of her classmates had an authentic Mylee picture heart with their name written on the back.

Kiya opted for something a little different.  Using her rainbow loom she made friendship bracelets for all her classmates.  Her valentine read "Our class would Knot be the same without you".  To her surprise her friends didn't quite get the joke. 

For her best friend in her class, Kiya made a heart charm.  And she has been addicted ever since.

I love watching her with MY tablet following instructions on making some of these wonderful little creations.  I think it expands her creativity and also gets her thinking on how to improve some of her creations.

Each of us got spoiled on Valentine's Day by Darryl.  We each got a stuffy and some chocolate, it was a really nice surprise!!!

A Day of Shopping

For months now the girls and I, well in all truth just me, have been dying to visit the new Michael's in Pickering.  Having one car is quite limiting but you do what you have to do. So on a visit to my mom's house we stopped in and spent some birthday money that both the girls had. 

For Christmas Kiya got a Rainbow Loom and well she has let Mylee use it.  Now Mylee wanted one of her own and I said okay.  So right at the front of the store both Kiya and Mylee were done their shopping.  Me on the other hand had ideas.  My first stop was the shadow boxes, I have tossed all my school gumpaste flowers for lack of space to house them but have kept my 2D figures.  Well I wanted to shadow box them.  Didn't find what I was looking for but that's okay there was always another day.  (Update: Both figures have been broken thanks to curious hands, but just means I can do them 3D and a lot better next time).

So after we finished our stop at Michael's off to mom's house we went to play. 

I really enjoy these quiet activities with the girls.  Their imaginations fly and it has nothing to do with electronics.  You never know what new invention will change life as we know it and make it better.  And building up a child's creative side definitely brings out their well rounded thinking.