Monday, March 3, 2014

Oscars Night

The Oscars is the only night of the year where I will actually sit and watch tv for an period of more than 10 minutes.  I watch right from red carpet to closing credits.  I have watched many and it has become a tradition that our family and the Farrance Family sit and play "who got the most right".  Each year there is a different winner because each of us choose differently.  When Lord of the Rings came out...well Darryl swept the Oscars.  Paul has won on multiple occasions and I have come up with a few wins myself.  We have been doing this for close to 16 years.

Sue and I comment on the dresses and what we like, what is flattering and sometimes that OMG moment of that is just wrong.  Last night I was not a fan of Kate Blanchett's dress, it was too busy for my taste, and Sandra Bullock's dress was stunning but I didn't like it on her.  I loved Amy Adams' dress, and how Meryl Streep was dressed.  There are some women who just know style and can pull off an incredible look.  I always love seeing the guys dressed up, and my favourite last night had to be Will Smith. Will always looks well put together and him and Jada light up the carpet (I wanted her dress last night in a different colour for me).

The Oscars ran long last night, yet again, but it was well worth it to make it to the end.  My favourite acceptance speech was Matthew McConaughey's.  For a man I always see as a pot smoking adult in Dazed and Confused, he spoke so eloquently about the 3 things that keep him going.  And he is absolutely right.  You always need something to reflect on in your past, something to look at in the present and something to look forward to in the future.  It was an incredible speech and I hope one people remember for a long time.  I have always said that people need faith, doesn't matter what you believe in, only that you believe in something, and his speech was inspirational.

Well this year Paul and I tied with of score of 8 each.  Darryl came up right behind us with 7 and well sorry Sue but she was last this year.  The only part of the Oscars that I never like is the In Memoriam, this year way too many gloriously talented people passed and it makes me sad.  Although not sure about you but I missed Uncle Phil on the list....not sure of Oscar rules and if it was just people in film but I still think he should have been on there.

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