Sunday, May 18, 2014

Baby Shoes

Darryl has had Kiya's baby shoes in his car since the day she grew out of them.  Mylee on the other hand likes to take hers and keep them close to her heart.  So when I was cleaning out her dress up box and found it, I added it to Kiya's shoes and they now both hang from the front mirror. 

As I held them close I started to well up in tears (yes I am a sap), but looking at them yesterday with their new haircuts and smiles, and remembering them in my arms helpless and just so cuddly cute I couldn't help but cry a little. 

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change the years I have had with them for anything, it just seems like they get more and more independent everyday and need me that much less.  Maybe that is why I like to be in the school all the time, there are kids who do need me there, but I still get to come home and enjoy my bigger kids and all their accomplishments too.

I couldn't be prouder of my kids.  The strengths they have, their confidence and their perseverance through everything.  And like other kids who drive their mom crazy, I look back and reflect all the magical things we have done with each other and just sigh.  The good news is I still have years to have those magical moments, but still feel like time is passing way too quickly.

New Haircuts!!!!

So it came time to cut the girl's hair.  It had gotten so long and unmanageable for them that, well, I had to cave.  Mylee was so excited, our hairdresser treats her like a princess.  Darryl said they could do whatever they wanted.  Mylee wanted just to her chin...I vetoed that we had a talk about the things you could do with short short hair.

Here is her before:

And here is her beautiful after:

So much more manageable!

Kiya on the other hand was tired of the little girl's haircut she always got and wanted something different.  So after going through the books, she decided on something we could both handle.  Something manageable and yet not so childlike.  Yes I do realize she is only 10, but remember back when you were that age and you wanted so much more....well if a haircut will change something simple then hey, it is a lot easier than boyfriends.

So here is Kiya's before (sorry for duplicate picture):

and here is her beautiful grown up (waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh) after:

Both my girls are growing up way too fast for my liking.  It is not that I feel old, I just remember how much fun they were when they were little too.  Thank goodness I can run to mom's for a baby fix every now and then or we would be in big trouble.

Wearing Blue

Every May 15th, our entire family wears blue.  Why?  To support and celebrate our cousin Mackenzie.  Mackenzie is diagnosed with TSC, or Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, May 15th is their awareness day! 

To learn more about this complex, and how you can help  go to:

Even Mylee's teacher wore blue that day. 

Mark your calendars guys, next year is right around the corner.  We love you Mackenzie and hope you continue to shine everyday!!!

Sleeping Beauty

Just had to snap this picture.

I wish I could sleep through just about anything!!!

A Day at the Park

I haven't really gotten to explore the world around me with my new camera as the weather has been really crappy.  So on the first nice sunshine filled day I took the girls up to the park and well blasted them with pictures.  I took 177 pictures when I started to download at home.  Here are just a few.

Mylee is getting so much more confident on her bike now, so we can actually ride up to the park, and well Kiya is gone as soon as she is on hers.  I can't wait until we can spend a lot more days outside and a lot more pictures to fill up my computer!

Egg Hunt at Auntie Wanda's

Every year Auntie Wanda puts on the egg hunt.  It is so much fun and the squeals and giggles make all of us laugh.  Erica gets the wonderful task of hiding all the eggs and in truth I think there is close to 100.  High and low the kids search until at last the last one is found, or well maybe not.  This year Steph found an egg that still had chocolate in it from last year....ewwwwww.

It was a wonderful day full of new friends, awesome food and lots of smiles, which happen to be my favourite.  Thank you Auntie Wanda for an amazing day!! Even though you were incredibly sick you still played the perfect hostess.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


The Easter Bunny was a trickster this year and made a difficult scavenger hunt for the girls.  Each clue was a decipherable code and the girls had to figure them out before they could figure out the clue.

This one happens to read: Winter, spring, summer and fall, there is a jacket for all.  Can you figure out where to find the clue?

As you can guess this took quite a bit of time to finish.  2.5 hours to be exact and I did get some interesting faces.

But both girls finished and they loved their baskets.  They even set to work to do the craft that the Easter Bunny left for them.  Each sewing their own pillows.
And now those pillows are finished and decorating their beds.  Quite a productive Easter morning I would say.

T'was the Night Before Easter

Mylee kindly reminded me that the Easter Bunny was in fact a bunny and would want a snack just like Santa.  And well, when I asked her what she wanted to put out...of course she said Chocolate chip cookies. I looked at her and smiled.  Instead we both agreed that maybe the Easter Bunny would like a healthier treat and we came up with this!