Darryl has had Kiya's baby shoes in his car since the day she grew out of them. Mylee on the other hand likes to take hers and keep them close to her heart. So when I was cleaning out her dress up box and found it, I added it to Kiya's shoes and they now both hang from the front mirror.
As I held them close I started to well up in tears (yes I am a sap), but looking at them yesterday with their new haircuts and smiles, and remembering them in my arms helpless and just so cuddly cute I couldn't help but cry a little.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change the years I have had with them for anything, it just seems like they get more and more independent everyday and need me that much less. Maybe that is why I like to be in the school all the time, there are kids who do need me there, but I still get to come home and enjoy my bigger kids and all their accomplishments too.
I couldn't be prouder of my kids. The strengths they have, their confidence and their perseverance through everything. And like other kids who drive their mom crazy, I look back and reflect all the magical things we have done with each other and just sigh. The good news is I still have years to have those magical moments, but still feel like time is passing way too quickly.
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