You would think after the 800 trips to the ROM in high school that I would be completely bored of it. Very much the opposite in all honesty. There is something about history and constant learning that I find so enticing. I love reading the plaques and finding out just what that weird object was used for. Plus things in the ROM are always changing, displays are on loan or they have enhanced some sections. The last time we were there Mylee was just a baby in a stroller, I didn't get a good chance to look around but this time I did.
We all had different objectives. Kiya had been to the ROM 2 years ago and could still recite some of the things that she learned while she was there studying medieval life; Mylee was all about the dinosaurs and seeing what and where they were; Darryl had his new camera and wanted to delve a little deeper into lighting and photography; Me, well I was there to look and discover and take pictures of things that might keep the girls busy over the next couple weeks.
One thing I found incredibly interesting was the Axolotl, the girls thought it looked like Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon, and I must admit, they are pretty bang on.
I have also vowed to take the girls to Drumheller, AB at some point in our lives to see where the dinosaurs were dug up and to see the awesome museum they have there. I keep telling them that I visited there, but being kids they always look at me like I am telling fibs.
And I could have sworn something like this flew into my face when we visited Margarita Island. The grasshopper things down there look the size of birds...and I don't mean finches...they were huge.
We all had a great time. The girls learning something new, Darryl taking over 200 pictures and me, well I got the Greek and Egyptian alphabets to bother the girls with, as well as some pretty cool info on some art projects for Kiya. Overall it was a great day, lots of walking and some sleep time in the car.
And another amazing thing happened but that will be in the next post.