Thursday, August 7, 2014

St. Kitts

St. Kitts we concentrated on the beach.  We did a slight drive around the island to get to the beach, and I must say, thank goodness I don't drive in the islands.  I am not sure how these people get used to it but the sheer drops, closeness of the cars passing and the fact that many islands you drive on left side of road makes me either car sick or missing the quintessential picture because my hands are over my eyes and I am deep breathing.  St. Kitts was one of those places, where you went up high, curves were just unreal and the cars pass so incredibly close you wonder how they do it. 

The beach in St. Kitts was lovely, water was warm and so clear you could see the tiny fish that liked to swim by you.  The girls love the water, they always do and could swim for hours.  I loved watching my family enjoy themselves and then there were some interesting sights on the beach as well. 

can you see the little friends we were swimming with at one point?
There was also the coolest toy on the island.  It reminded me of the Green Goblin's riding board, but instead of air it worked with water.  Watching the guy catch his balance was quite entertaining as we kept routing him on from the beach.  Next time we have to get Darryl to give it a shot!!!

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