Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hillside take 2

I got to go on another adventure with the girls' school, the grade 7 teachers asked me if I could possibly attend another visit to Hillside and of course being the outdoorsy type (ya right) that I am I said absolutely. 

This adventure took us to a different place, a hiking trail I didn't know existed in Rouge Valley.  We walked down the path and saw quite a few trilliums still in bloom, then they walked down a big hill that I knew I wouldn't be able to climb back up, so I stayed on the upper level and listened to the trees.  Nature can be really noisy when you quiet your mind and listen.  The trees groan, which I can totally understand the ideas behind Tolkien's Ents from Lord of the Rings, the birds send coded messages, and even the ground crinkles with dead twigs and leftover leaves from the winter, it was quite amazing to just stand among the forest.

We made our way down to the river and I got to play with one of my favourite things, Shale, it is that one natural material that is so much fun to break apart.  Layers upon layers of rock that sometimes contains hidden secrets, fossils from long ago...ugh still get goosebumps thinking of it.  Unfortunately I didn't find anything among my little adventure but did come across a piece of beach glass.  That stuff is awesome, amazing what water can do to a piece of bottle that has been discarded.

And of course we found the little critters that live amongst the rivers and streams.  I was actually brave enough to hold a smaller crayfish, something I would never attempt at the cottage as my chicken costume still fits rather nicely.  One of the teachers grabbed a picture for me but I am still waiting for it so will show as soon as I get it.

We moved along through the riverbed and came across a really awesome ecosystem, inside were frogs, small turtles, water striders and I am sure a bunch of other bugs that I didn't want to go near.  I got a little braver and held a baby turtle as well, which I can only describe as really soft feet. He was too cute and though I wanted to take it home, turtles smell really bad. 
And then finally we hiked up the hill from hell.  I reached the top after stopping twice, my lungs decided they wanted to give up but I did make it, and I even kept going.  After a quick lunch we got to play in the river and collect some really cool insects, larvae, and crustaceans.  After I saw the leech I wasn't going in the water, but the kids took off their shoes and socks and dove right in with their nets looking for whatever they could find. 
Another amazing adventure with the school and I am so glad that I was able to go. There is nothing like watching the kids' faces light up as they find something in their net.  Does that ever get old?

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