Friday, January 25, 2013

Craft Night

Yesterday as I was finishing my orientation I was trying to figure out what craft supplies we have in the house to do our craft night, which happened to be the next activity on our list.  Now this is going to sound selfish but I have my craft supplies and the girls have theirs.  So as I left the building I glanced across the street and the heavens opened up and the beam of light lit up the Michael's on the corner.  All I could think is "YES!"

I love that Michael's! It is clean, organized, multi leveled, and the people are so helpful.  I picked up some little stuff for the girls to do, and stickers for me.  And I travelled home pretty proud of myself.

We started off with the little plastic beads that you can arrange in a shape, pattern, design, the ideas are endless and then you iron them and your design is permanent.  Kiya picked the gumball machine and Mylee got the butterfly. Mylee was a little frustrated with her's, so in walks daddy and with daddy to the rescue they made a really awesome butterfly and we all fell in love with Kiya's gumball machine.

Our next activity was plastic canvas.  I picked up simple circles so the girls could make coasters or something that wouldn't take forever but they could practise their sewing skills.  I am beginning to think that these simple skills are being outdated with all the disposable items out there.  A rip in a shirt can be mended, but why bother when the shirt cost $4.  Everyone says I have an old fashioned outlook, but I just think I am frugal.  Why waste something when you can fix it or turn it into something different.  And who knows, when in college or university these skills might come in handy for friends and they could earn a little pocket money without really having to work to the bone when they are already studying like crazy.

Kiya finished her coaster and started working on her doorhanger, Mylee is still practising her sewing skills.  I will post pics when finished. 

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