Thursday, January 17, 2013

Insight on Me

With all the craziness in my world right now I thought I would give you a little bit of insight as to how my head works and how I maintain a positive attitude and try to always have a smile on my face.

Wanna know the secret? 

Cartoons.  And I don't mean the ones today that make absolutely no sense about ridiculous things, I mean old fashioned, older style comedy cartoons.  How many times have you heard a story that you wish you were there to see?  Me, too many to count.  So if Darryl has an interesting day at work or someone at the school comes to me with a giggle I listen and in my head the cartoon reel is going.

Funny as to now I am sitting here trying to think of an example and my mind goes blank, but one will come to me.  Okay got one and I hope my mom forgives me for this one but I can't tell this story without laughing so hard I can't breathe. 

We had a cat, a really foolish kitten that would get itself into the worst trouble, including jumping in with our two puppies and then meowing when they were playing tug-o-war with its tail and ear, so we would rescue Cody (I think that is what its name was) and 10 minutes later Cody would be back in the box meowing with the same tug-o-war happening.  Again....foolish cat.

So one day as we are going about our daily tasks we hear Cody meowing and can't figure out where this foolish cat is.  That was until we looked outside and Cody ended up getting stuck on the hydro pole and didn't know how to get down.  Being on the younger side, me about 12 and Dustin about 9 or 10 neither of us were allowed to climb up to get him, so we tried to coax him down with everything from toys to treats.  No luck, so Mom comes to the rescue. 

The pole was probably about 10-12 feet in the air so you couldn't reach it unless you climbed.  And no my mother didn't climb the pole, instead she got a long board and with several valiant attempts finally got Cody to get onto it and climb off the pole.  Now physics and life will tell you that if you are holding one side of the board and something goes on the other side it becomes unbalanced and of course the weight will cause the board to have a gravitational pull.

Yep that is what happened alright, and I will say my mom did pretty well holding it up until she just couldn't anymore.  And it slammed down onto the fence, kitty bouncing off the end like it would in an old fashioned Bugs Bunny cartoon (okay I am in tears laughing as I remember this) and when Cody came back down to earth landing perfectly on all fours he scampered into the house like he was being chased by some rabid dog ready to eat him.  Dustin and I were in a fit of giggles laughing so hard we couldn't breathe and all Mom could do was mutter "stupid cat". 

Now if you are still with me, I have played this through my head for the umpteenth time and each time we are cartoon characters.  I do this with every story I get told and without fail I am either snickering or bursting out in giggles from the craziness of my brain.

So when people look at me and say why are you happy all the time or why are you always smiling, I go back to my cartoon history and replay moments like this and I just smile.  Life fills you with days that suck, but then life gives you moments of complete beauty and then there are moments of utter fun; if you take these moments negatively you will never smile, however if you take them as they are given to you and channel them into something more positive and more cheery you will be just as happy and constantly smiling.  I realize I am a crazy lady, but maybe if there were more crazy people in the world we would be better off.  So that's my story and I am sticking to it!!! Try the cartoon reel and see what you think!

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