Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our Lego Quest

Tonight marks the first night in our lego quest of 2013. 

What is a lego quest you ask?  And I am so glad you did because I was lost too.  So I turned to this lady's blog for the answer  http://legoquestkids.blogspot.ca/2012/10/final-challenge-quest-52.html .  In case you don't want to read a full blog I will summarize briefly.  Lego quest is a 52 week challenge in which you are given a different challenge each week to build something fun and imaginative.  The topics range from cars and wearable lego to your favourite book or movie, labrinths and surrealism.  Some have restrictions and others allow for full on play.  The one that I am looking forward to is Maximum Height.  I actually did this with a little boy named Alex when I co-oped in high school.  We got ours to a full 2 meter sticks. Now my girls don't have that much lego but it will keep it interesting and as the challenges progress maybe we will add some new and interesting pieces.

There are several reasons I am doing this:

1. it creates constructive play with a set goal though allows your imagination to run free.
2. television has gotten to a whole new level of idiocy that I have to walk away from
3. it gives us a task every week to look forward to and enjoy spending some quality time together.
and finally
4. some of the challenges require looking up a definition in the dictionary for clarification, or researching on the internet what an ancient artifact is creating an educational experience as well.

And here are our results!
Mylee's car

Kiya's Car

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